I am a Year 6 student at Papakura Central School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Kauri Hub.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
My Book Novel
For the past weeks we have been doing novel study tasks. What we needed to do is, we needed to pick a book, which mine is Toad Delight by Morris Gleitzman, it is about a toad called Limpy and he has two cousins. One is Goliath and the other is Charm.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Monday, 18 September 2017
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
My Word Cloud
This Is My Word Cloud.
I will share three words I did not know but I found the meaning.
1. Manufacturing,
Meaning: Make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
2. Stereolithography,
Meaning: A technique or process for creating three-dimensional objects, in which a computer-controlled moving laser beam is used to build up the required structure, layer by layer, from a liquid polymer that hardens on contact with laser light.
3. Acrylonitrile,
Meaning: A pungent, toxic liquid, used in making artificial fibres and other polymers.
I will share three words I did not know but I found the meaning.
1. Manufacturing,
Meaning: Make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
2. Stereolithography,
Meaning: A technique or process for creating three-dimensional objects, in which a computer-controlled moving laser beam is used to build up the required structure, layer by layer, from a liquid polymer that hardens on contact with laser light.
3. Acrylonitrile,
Meaning: A pungent, toxic liquid, used in making artificial fibres and other polymers.
Friday, 4 August 2017
My Poster On Anjalee The Elephant
My poster on Anjalee the elephant.
In my reading group, we made a poster about an elephant called Anjalee. On Thursday 3rd of August, we went to the zoo and we saw her, the article we read about her must have been made a long time ago because it said she was eight but she was ten when we saw her. Anjalee looked like she had settled in pretty well at the zoo and took a lot of hose-downs. When she first moved in, there was a elephant called Burma and an other elephant called Kashin. Kashin passed away in 2009. Burma enjoys having Anjalee with her!
To get more information, here are three websites,
1 http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/67699732/Anjalee-the-elephant-Auckland-zookeeper-has-spent-6-months-to-get-her-here
2 http://www.aucklandzoo.co.nz/sites/news/media-releases/Elephant-Anjalee-has-arrived
3 http://www.aucklandzoo.co.nz/sites/explore-the-zoo/elephants/Elephant-profiles
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Intro: Storms are all around the world
And you never know when one
Will start, so if you see a deadly
Storm coming your way, find
Somewhere safe to stay Until
You get advice ir if it has stopped
And make sure not to go outside
When it is moving.
Para 1: Different Types Of Storms
There are many types of storms in the world and they can be deadly. These are some storms, there are Tornadoes, Cyclones, Sinkholes, Thunderstorms Hailstorms and there are lightning showers. There are many more than just Tornadoes and Cyclones but I can’t name them all. Storms can cause people to go missing or pass away if the storm is really deadly.
Para 2: How A Tornado Starts
It depends on the heat, if it is hot and very windy, a tornado can come your way but it is very unlikely. Next the tornado starts by forming a funnel in the sky and makes a slobe coming to the ground and it will start to suck up things. If it is weak, it will only suck up things like trash cans, little bits of rubbish lying around, bikes, metal lying around, leaves and twigs. If it is strong it will suck up things like cars, car motors, motorbikes and maybe bits of your house.
Para 3: Storm Damage
Storms can cause a lot of damage, some people get sucked up and never seen again. It is very sad when people get hurt or pass away from storms. If they are badly injured from the storm damage, they will most likely go to hospital. Storms cause buildings to fall and break and maybe even fall on people. Some bad storms cause towns to lose their homes and family and buildings can fall on roads so cars can't get to where they need to be.
Para 4: How To Survive A Storm
This is how you survive a big storm, first you should wait for an alert to see if you can leave or if it has stopped or stopped coming your way. You should be careful because storms can kill you if they are deadly. In a deadly storm you should quickly find place to stay and make sure your inside not outside so remember if you see a deadly storm stay inside and stay safe.
Intro: Storms are all around the world
And you never know when one
Will start, so if you see a deadly
Storm coming your way, find
Somewhere safe to stay Until
You get advice ir if it has stopped
And make sure not to go outside
When it is moving.
Para 1: Different Types Of Storms
There are many types of storms in the world and they can be deadly. These are some storms, there are Tornadoes, Cyclones, Sinkholes, Thunderstorms Hailstorms and there are lightning showers. There are many more than just Tornadoes and Cyclones but I can’t name them all. Storms can cause people to go missing or pass away if the storm is really deadly.
Para 2: How A Tornado Starts
It depends on the heat, if it is hot and very windy, a tornado can come your way but it is very unlikely. Next the tornado starts by forming a funnel in the sky and makes a slobe coming to the ground and it will start to suck up things. If it is weak, it will only suck up things like trash cans, little bits of rubbish lying around, bikes, metal lying around, leaves and twigs. If it is strong it will suck up things like cars, car motors, motorbikes and maybe bits of your house.
Para 3: Storm Damage
Storms can cause a lot of damage, some people get sucked up and never seen again. It is very sad when people get hurt or pass away from storms. If they are badly injured from the storm damage, they will most likely go to hospital. Storms cause buildings to fall and break and maybe even fall on people. Some bad storms cause towns to lose their homes and family and buildings can fall on roads so cars can't get to where they need to be.
Para 4: How To Survive A Storm
This is how you survive a big storm, first you should wait for an alert to see if you can leave or if it has stopped or stopped coming your way. You should be careful because storms can kill you if they are deadly. In a deadly storm you should quickly find place to stay and make sure your inside not outside so remember if you see a deadly storm stay inside and stay safe.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
The Spooky House
Brianna: What did you do at school?
Taylah: Maths pretty much all day
Brianna: I had Mr. Gregory, he made us run around the whole block!
Taylah: Woah!, look at that creepy house!
Brianna: Should we go in?
Taylah: Definitely!
Brianna: Lets cross the road to that house
The Person Who Talks: They cross the road and walk into the house.
Taylah: look some flashlights, lets grab them!
Brianna: Taylah watch out!
The Person Who Talks: The closet door slams.
Brianna: Taylah where are you?
Taylah: Im Stuck in this closet!
Brianna: I'll get you out!
The Person Who Talks: door flicks open.
Taylah: it was dark in there i could not see a thing
Brianna: Lets go upstirs Taylah
Taylah: gross there is a big spider wed blocking the way!
The Person Who Talks: House starts spinning
Brianna: Woah whats happening!
Taylah: I think we are spinning around, I keep seeing that same tree over and over again
Brianna: Hold on tight!
Taylah: Lets get out of here!
The Person Who Talks: House splits in two.
Brianna: What should I do Taylah!?!?
Taylah: Go upstairs and look for a wood plank
Brianna: Ok ill try duck under the spider web
The Person Who Talks: Brianna goes upstairs.
Brianna: I found a wood plank!
Taylah: Good bring it downstairs and place it in the crack
The Person Who Talks: Brianna trips and almost falls in the crack.
Brianna: Oh no I almost died!
Taylah: Ok put the wood plank down and... Um... walk across,
Brianna: I cant do that i'm too scared!
Taylah: You can do it Brianna I believe in you
Brianna: Ok
Taylah: You did it Brianna now lets get out of here
Brianna: I agree
The Person Who Talks: Taylah and Brianna walk out and go home.
Taylah: Maths pretty much all day
Brianna: I had Mr. Gregory, he made us run around the whole block!
Taylah: Woah!, look at that creepy house!
Brianna: Should we go in?
Taylah: Definitely!
Brianna: Lets cross the road to that house
The Person Who Talks: They cross the road and walk into the house.
Taylah: look some flashlights, lets grab them!
Brianna: Taylah watch out!
The Person Who Talks: The closet door slams.
Brianna: Taylah where are you?
Taylah: Im Stuck in this closet!
Brianna: I'll get you out!
The Person Who Talks: door flicks open.
Taylah: it was dark in there i could not see a thing
Brianna: Lets go upstirs Taylah
Taylah: gross there is a big spider wed blocking the way!
The Person Who Talks: House starts spinning
Brianna: Woah whats happening!
Taylah: I think we are spinning around, I keep seeing that same tree over and over again
Brianna: Hold on tight!
Taylah: Lets get out of here!
The Person Who Talks: House splits in two.
Brianna: What should I do Taylah!?!?
Taylah: Go upstairs and look for a wood plank
Brianna: Ok ill try duck under the spider web
The Person Who Talks: Brianna goes upstairs.
Brianna: I found a wood plank!
Taylah: Good bring it downstairs and place it in the crack
The Person Who Talks: Brianna trips and almost falls in the crack.
Brianna: Oh no I almost died!
Taylah: Ok put the wood plank down and... Um... walk across,
Brianna: I cant do that i'm too scared!
Taylah: You can do it Brianna I believe in you
Brianna: Ok
Taylah: You did it Brianna now lets get out of here
Brianna: I agree
The Person Who Talks: Taylah and Brianna walk out and go home.
Monday, 22 May 2017
My word cloud
I have found the meaning to three of these words.
1. Conclusion means the end or finish of an event, process, or text.
2. Almighty means having a complete power; omnipotent.
3. Plaque means an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood that is fixed to a wall or other surface in commemoration of a person or an event.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
The Peach Tree
One day I was riding my bike home and i stopped at a seed. I picked up the seed and put it in my pocket and continued to ride home. While i was riding, I was thinking about what kind of tree it will grow into.
When I got home I grabbed a shovel and ran into my backyard. I dug a hole and dropped the seed into the hole, The i put the dirt back on top. I walked back inside and went to sleep.
Once I woke up, I raced into the backyard and saw that the tree was a big peach tree. I grabbed a Peach and Peach juice filled up my mouth, it tasted very sweet.
I called my friends over and we climbed the peach tree. When we got exhausted, I got some peaches off the tree and we ate some peaches.
When I got home I grabbed a shovel and ran into my backyard. I dug a hole and dropped the seed into the hole, The i put the dirt back on top. I walked back inside and went to sleep.
Once I woke up, I raced into the backyard and saw that the tree was a big peach tree. I grabbed a Peach and Peach juice filled up my mouth, it tasted very sweet.
I called my friends over and we climbed the peach tree. When we got exhausted, I got some peaches off the tree and we ate some peaches.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Going to Christchurch
Going To Christchurch
On Friday, I was Very excited to go to Christchurch because we were going to see my brother who broke his back, four ribs and he has a hole in both of his lungs. When we hopped off the plane, I felt the cold breezy air touch my face and i was happy to be in Christchurch.
When we hopped into our rental car, i could barely hold in my excitement. We drove to his hospital and opened the big shiny door. We walked into his room and I gave him a big hug. Later we needed to leave and we got some food.
When we got home I jumped into my bed and fell asleep immediately. The next day i had some toast for breakfast and we went back to see him again. When we left, liam's other sister came with us to feed some ducks.
The next day we flew back home to the house.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
The Mysterious Bunny Adventure
The Mysterious Bunny Adventure
Once upon a time there was a Easter bunny named Dennis and he had a twin sister named Rachel. Dennis is blue with a white belly and Rachel is the exact same but she's not blue, she is bright pink. One day, they were on a ship until Rachel smelt smoke, “What's that gross smokey smell?” she said, then Dennis said,“sounds like the motor is about to…” BOOM! The motor exploded before he could even say it. They went flying into the air and when they bumped onto the ground the box broke and the eggs went flying around the Hawaiian beach in the sunset jem. They hopped off the boat with the sand sinking into their toes and they began to look for the 10 eggs they promised to deliver, they walked off for a while until Rachel sat down next to a tree. “What's the matter Rachel ?” said Dennis, “were never going to find our eggs we promised to give to Dan” she replied. “We will find the eggs Rachel, don’t worry” Said Dennis, a tear dropped down Rachel's cheek and she yelled “NO! No, we won't”. Dennis Put out his hand “Come on Rachel we can find them”, Dennis pulled her from the slimy sticky mud. They continued until Rachel saw something green behind a tree, Rachel raced over and found the first egg. “I found one!” she Cheered “good job Rachel, I told you we could find them!” Dennis replied. Rachel put the egg into a bag and they kept on walking, But they did not know that someone was watching them, It was the 56 year old man in a black bunny costume. Dennis and Rachel kept on walking until they heard rustling from a bush and then a snake slid out and he saw a yellow egg next to a flower and the snake tried to eat it. The egg was too big and the snake was struggling to eat it, “ I’m afraid of snakes you do it” said Rachel shivering and shaking, “’f... f… fine, i'll do it” said Dennis Nervously. Dennis tiptoed to the snake and grabbed the egg he pulled and pulled until… POP! The egg came out and the snake got mad. The snake turned as red as a tomato and he slid over to Dennis and bit him on the leg then it slid away. Dennis was still holding the egg, “i’m so sorry, I should've helped you” said Rachel, “Rachel” whispered Dennis “we need help” “HELP” Rachel yelled out. Suddenly, some squirrels came from the trees with a bottle of healing syrup, they poured some over Dennis’s leg and put a band aid over it. He stood up and thanked them with loads of acorns, they kept walking with the two eggs they had, then Dennis smelled chocolate, “there is an egg close by i can smell it”. Dennis jumped on a tree branch and climbed to the treetop, he found a blue egg and jumped down to put the egg in the bag. Next they saw a family of skunks and they had the rest of the eggs!, “I will get them from the skunks” said Dennis “you mean WE will get them from the skunks” added Rachel, then they bounced over and pulled out the eggs, but the baby started crying and they got mad, Dennis grabbed a spare chocolate egg he was going to eat later and gave it to the skunks. They got happy and started eating, when they were walking the fake Easter bunny Jonathan made a hole in the bottom of the basket and grabbed all the eggs. When Dennis and Rachel got to Dan’s he opened the door and said “where are my eggs!” Their right… omg where did they go!” Exclaimed Rachel, Dennis showed Dan a picture of Jonathan and said “This is Jonathan, he is our worst enemy, he is a black bunny and usually steals our eggs,” “He must of stolen our eggs” said Rachel. Dan locked his house door, it was midnight and they went to Dan’s house to sleep for the night. When they woke up they walked and found Jonathan unwrapping a yellow egg, “Hey!” said Dennis “What” replied Jonathan, Jonathan had a smirk on his face. “That's enough ‘said Dennis and Dennis Held him on the ground while Rachel called the police and they arrived one second later and arrested Jonathan. Dennis unmasked Jonathan and said he is a 56 year old man in a bunny costume, they returned the eggs to Dan and the police leaned Dennis and Rachel his boat and they drove away back to their little bunny house.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Animals in captivity
Animals In Captivity
I plead with you to consider that animals should not be kept in captivity because it's a small place not a big open space. Zoos cannot provide the amount of space animals have in the wild. Tigers and Lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would have in the wild.
Animals would want to hunt as much as they want not just be fed and lots of animals suffer from not getting enough food to keep their stomach going. People also cut down trees that birds live in. At least once a week millions of people cut down trees that birds live in.
People throw trash, then the animals eat the trash. In shanghai zoo animals keep dying from eating people's trash. They purposely throw in trash and it's not typically in their diet.
- For all these reasons, I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in captivity.
Animals would want to hunt as much as they want not just be fed and lots of animals suffer from not getting enough food to keep their stomach going. People also cut down trees that birds live in. At least once a week millions of people cut down trees that birds live in.
People throw trash, then the animals eat the trash. In shanghai zoo animals keep dying from eating people's trash. They purposely throw in trash and it's not typically in their diet.
- For all these reasons, I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in captivity.
Thursday, 16 March 2017
The Swim
This is my video of the dance we did and my group did the swim. First I was nervous but when me and my group did the dance I got less nervous, It was a lot of fun.
Friday, 10 March 2017
60's fashion making
60’s outfits
On the 8th of March, we got into groups to make 60’s outfits. In my group was me, Aween, Brianna and Kirsten, we looked on the internet to find some good designs we could make on Brianna. The decided to make one with some straps, a bow, a handbag, a t-shirt and a skirt. Aween cut the tape while I was getting the shape of her body to make sure it fit. Kirsten made the handbag and drew a tie-dye on it. Next Aween cut some tape for me and I put the skirt together. Then we put the t-shirt together and i cut long strips down the skirt. Once we were done we put the skirt and the t-shirt together, it looked like one whole dress. Then Kirsten made the bow and we couldn't put it in her here so we put it on the front of her shirt. Once everyone was done we sat on one side and one at a time the models walked down in their style. Once we were done everyone ripped the costumes of.
By Taylah
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Dr. Seuss
- Doctor Seuss was born on March 2, 1904.
- He was an American writer, cartoonist, animator, book publisher and and artist best known for authoring children's books under the pen name Dr. Seuss.
- His real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel.
- He published over 60 books during his career, which have spawned numerous adaptations, including eleven television specials, four feature films, a Broadway musical, and four television series.
Books he wrote
- Cat in the hat
- Green eggs and ham
- Oh, the places you'll go!
- The lorax
- If I ran a zoo
- How the grinch stole christmas
- Horton hears a who
- Fox in socks
- Hop on pop
Friday, 3 March 2017
Thursday, 2 March 2017
What Is Learning?
My name is Taylah and this year I am a year 5. I am in room 8 and I have created a poster on learning.
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