
Thursday 13 April 2017

The Mysterious Bunny Adventure

                   Image result for two cartoon bunnies trying to find their easter eggs  
                The Mysterious Bunny Adventure
Once upon a time there was a Easter  bunny named Dennis and he had a twin sister named Rachel. Dennis is blue with a white belly and Rachel is the exact same but she's not blue, she is bright pink. One day, they were on a ship until Rachel smelt smoke, “What's that gross smokey smell?”  she said, then Dennis said,“sounds like the motor is about to…” BOOM! The motor exploded before he could even say it. They went flying into the air and when they bumped onto the ground the box broke and the eggs went flying around the Hawaiian beach in the sunset jem. They hopped off the boat with the sand sinking into their toes and they began to look for the 10 eggs they promised to deliver, they walked off for a while until Rachel sat down next to a tree. “What's the matter Rachel ?” said Dennis, “were never going to find our eggs we promised to give to Dan” she replied. “We will find the eggs Rachel, don’t worry”  Said Dennis, a tear dropped down Rachel's cheek  and she yelled “NO! No, we won't”. Dennis Put out his hand “Come on Rachel we can find them”, Dennis pulled her from the slimy sticky mud. They continued until Rachel saw something green behind a tree, Rachel raced over and found the first egg. “I found one!” she Cheered “good job Rachel, I told you we could find them!” Dennis replied. Rachel put the egg into a bag and they kept on walking, But they did not know that someone was watching them, It was the 56 year old man in a black bunny costume. Dennis and Rachel kept on walking until they heard rustling from a bush and then a snake slid out and he saw a yellow egg next to a flower and the snake tried to eat it. The egg was too big and the snake was struggling to eat it, “ I’m afraid of snakes you do it” said Rachel shivering and shaking, “’f... f… fine, i'll do it” said Dennis  Nervously. Dennis tiptoed to the snake and grabbed the egg he pulled and pulled until… POP! The egg came out and the snake got mad. The snake turned as red as a tomato and he slid over to Dennis and bit him on the leg then it slid away. Dennis was still holding the egg, “i’m so sorry, I should've helped you” said Rachel, “Rachel” whispered Dennis “we need help”  “HELP” Rachel yelled out. Suddenly, some squirrels came from the trees with a bottle of healing syrup, they poured some over Dennis’s leg and put a band aid over it. He stood up and thanked them with loads of acorns, they kept walking with the two eggs they had, then Dennis smelled chocolate, “there is an egg close by i can smell it”. Dennis jumped on a tree branch and climbed to the treetop, he found a blue egg and jumped down to put the egg in the bag. Next they saw a family of skunks and they had the rest of the eggs!, “I will get them from the skunks” said Dennis “you mean WE will get them from the skunks” added Rachel, then they bounced over and pulled out the eggs, but the baby started crying and they got mad, Dennis grabbed a spare chocolate egg he was going to eat later and gave it to the skunks. They got happy and started eating, when they were walking the fake Easter bunny Jonathan made a hole in the bottom of the basket and grabbed all the eggs. When Dennis and Rachel got to Dan’s  he opened the door and said “where are my eggs!”  Their right… omg where did they go!”  Exclaimed Rachel, Dennis showed Dan a picture of Jonathan and said “This is Jonathan, he is our worst enemy, he is a black bunny and usually steals our eggs,”  “He must of stolen our eggs”  said Rachel. Dan locked his house door, it was midnight and they went to Dan’s house to sleep for the night. When they woke up they walked and found Jonathan unwrapping a yellow egg, “Hey!” said Dennis “What” replied Jonathan, Jonathan had a smirk on his face. “That's enough ‘said Dennis and Dennis Held him on the ground while Rachel called the police and they arrived one second later and arrested Jonathan. Dennis unmasked Jonathan and said he is a 56 year old man in a bunny costume, they returned the eggs to Dan and the police leaned Dennis and Rachel  his boat and they drove away back to their little bunny house.

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