Intro: Storms are all around the world
And you never know when one
Will start, so if you see a deadly
Storm coming your way, find
Somewhere safe to stay Until
You get advice ir if it has stopped
And make sure not to go outside
When it is moving.
Para 1: Different Types Of Storms
There are many types of storms in the world and they can be deadly. These are some storms, there are Tornadoes, Cyclones, Sinkholes, Thunderstorms Hailstorms and there are lightning showers. There are many more than just Tornadoes and Cyclones but I can’t name them all. Storms can cause people to go missing or pass away if the storm is really deadly.
Para 2: How A Tornado Starts
It depends on the heat, if it is hot and very windy, a tornado can come your way but it is very unlikely. Next the tornado starts by forming a funnel in the sky and makes a slobe coming to the ground and it will start to suck up things. If it is weak, it will only suck up things like trash cans, little bits of rubbish lying around, bikes, metal lying around, leaves and twigs. If it is strong it will suck up things like cars, car motors, motorbikes and maybe bits of your house.
Para 3: Storm Damage
Storms can cause a lot of damage, some people get sucked up and never seen again. It is very sad when people get hurt or pass away from storms. If they are badly injured from the storm damage, they will most likely go to hospital. Storms cause buildings to fall and break and maybe even fall on people. Some bad storms cause towns to lose their homes and family and buildings can fall on roads so cars can't get to where they need to be.
Para 4: How To Survive A Storm
This is how you survive a big storm, first you should wait for an alert to see if you can leave or if it has stopped or stopped coming your way. You should be careful because storms can kill you if they are deadly. In a deadly storm you should quickly find place to stay and make sure your inside not outside so remember if you see a deadly storm stay inside and stay safe.